Nutrition Facts on Meat vs. Beans

Which is healthier?
Which is healthier?

This image tells it all. Beans WIN. We have been taught that we need to eat meat to be healthy.  However, meat is higher in saturated fats, has no fiber, has no more protein than beans, is more expensive, and is a HUGE drain on our resources and our planet!

So, why not consider eating more beans!  Beans have protein, iron and fiber and they are lower in calories and fat.

pinto beans

pinto beans

Cooking up a pot of beans each week is a simple and inexpensive way to enjoy your favorite beans.  Plus you control how much salt is in the pot instead of relying on cans of beans which are often loaded with salt.  The best way to cook a pot of beans is to wash your dried beans and cover with water in a pot.  Allow to soak overnight and rinse the beans.  Cover the beans in water and cook in a crock pot, soup pot or pressure cooker.  In a couple of hours you will have a pot of beans ready to use throughout the week or store in freezer containers for when you need a cup or two.

Some of my favorite ways to enjoy beans is in burritos, soups, casseroles, or add to my favorite grain and add some avocado and salsa.


Nutrition Info

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